Stanislaus Community Foundation is pleased to accept donation requests on behalf of MAKE DREAMS REAL. The 2025 Grant Cycle will open on February 1.
Making dreams real for school-aged children of Stanislaus County through participation in programs that enrich and stimulate their minds and bodies and teach values through service learning.
Please review the following information. We have a new online application administered by Stanislaus Community Foundation that will allow you to save your answers and login later to finish your application. Make Dreams Real will only accept online applications.
about make dreams real founder, carl boyett
Carl Boyett was a visionary, passionate in his quest to make dreams become a reality for underserved youth. The passion he instilled in the many lives he touched left a legacy that will grow and prosper for years to come.
Service learning is a required component for programs requesting grants from Make Dreams Real. As a requirement for Make Dreams Real, this grant requires a process of accountability and volunteerism in the community with collaboration and participation within the student and parent support groups.
What is service learning?
Service learning is an educational approach that teaches students the importance of giving back to one’s community. It is the belief of the Make Dreams Real Advisory Board and its founder, Carl Boyett, that children and parents who engage in service learning achieve greater success in the program and lasting changes in character.
What does service-learning look like?
Service learning looks exactly like community service. Some examples of service learning are as follows:
Working in your teacher’s classroom after school
Picking up trash in a park or school
Feeding the homeless
Setting up tutoring system or reading buddies with younger students
***Special note regarding service learning: We realize that not all school-aged children may be capable of fulfilling the service-learning component. This population includes, but is not limited to, school-aged children with physical handicaps, those who have experienced severe emotional distress or those with family obligations that may limit their level of engagement. If your population of school-aged children fits into one of these categories, please consider alternative ways of satisfying the service-learning component with volunteers.
Make Dreams Real will NOT consider applications for programs outside of Stanislaus County or focused on any of the criteria listed below:
Annual funds, capital campaigns, galas or other special events and fundraising activities
Debt reduction
General operating costs (program operating costs are accepted)
Sectarian religious activities, political lobbying, or legislative activities
Public programs that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, creed, sexual orientation in policy or in practice
Loans, scholarships, fellowships, or grants to individuals
Programs outside of Stanislaus County
Submit an Application
The grant cycle will begin on February 1, 2025, and end on March 15, 2025. A completed application must be submitted online, using the link below, by midnight (23:59:59) Pacific Time (PT) on March 15, 2025. To start your application, click on the APPLY button below.
One grant application PER organization PER grant year will be accepted, although an organization may apply for multiple programs within the grant. Questions about the application process can be directed to Maria Cortez, at mcortez@stanislauscf.org
Application Review
All donation applications will be reviewed at the close of the application cycle. Stanislaus Community Foundation will notify your organization of the outcome of review via email after that time.
Reporting Requirements
Past awardees must provide a brief report of the previous year's program. The report section is included in the current year grant application. New grants will not be considered unless the previous year’s report is completed within the application.
Grantees may be contacted for a site visit by the Make Dreams Real team. If your funding is revoked, your organization will not be eligible for any other funding for the remainder of that grant year.
Grant Award Range
Typical grant awards vary in amount but are limited to $10,000. Grants may be awarded in amounts less than the requested amount on the application.
Grant Proposal Requirements
Contact information
Progress and Results reporting (For prior year grantees only)
Grant request amount
Program & Service-learning narrative
Upload W-9
Upload externally audited financial records from last year or most recent Form 990 (If organization has not received funding from Make Dreams Real in the past 3 years)
If fiscally sponsored, written authorization from 501(c)(3) sponsor confirming its willingness to act as the fiscal sponsor
Grant applications will be accepted to support programs within Stanislaus County that are aligned with our mission. These include:
• Nonprofit organizations with 501(C)(3) tax exempt designation from the IRS
• Educational institutions open to the public and not exclusively for specific political, religious, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation group
• Faith-based organizations open to the general public and not exclusive to members of the organization
• School-aged children (kindergarten through 12th grade)