About SCF’s Leadership Work
We are evolving our strategies and funds so that innovation can emerge:
from many places and many partners
from people in the closest proximity to the issues
from public agencies and nonprofits scaling solutions that work
SCF has launched a number of Special Initiative Funds, each dedicated to tackling community challenges aligned with the leadership work that we are undertaking. The funds are targeted to make investments both now and into the future.

Build upward mobility for more people.
The Housing Solutions Fund allows SCF to invest in non-government housing and homelessness programs, including pilot projects to test solutions that can then be scaled with partners and implemented in the community.
LEAF sustains ag students, future leaders, and current workers in Stanislaus County through ag-focused leadership programs and scholarships that strengthen the talent pipeline for the Ag industry.
Stanislaus 2030 is a public-private partnership that advances a shared vision for economic prosperity for all. Its purpose is to lead collective action towards implementing the economic and workforce initiatives identified in the Investment Blueprint through coordination and aligning our efforts across governmental agencies, private-public partnerships, educational institutions, businesses, service providers, and community groups for the greatest impact for all in our community.
Ensure access to quality education & training
The Education Solutions Fund focuses on investing in programs that reimagine learning and unlock better outcomes for students across the region.
The Health Careers Fund supports the bolstering of health career pathways by investing in programs that train, upskill local talent, and strengthen the talent pipeline for health careers in the region.

Create a shared civic identity and informed community members.
These two funds empower Latino and Black community members to direct grants into their respective communities, focused on the issues and organizations that serve their needs and celebrate their cultures.
Learn More about the Adelante Fund • Contribute to the Adelante Fund
Learn More about the Tupo Pamoja Fund • Contribute to the Tupo Pamoja Fund
The Civic Solutions Fund invests in new local news platforms, bolsters existing ones, and rebuilds civic leadership in the community.
Read Stanislaus Community Foundation’s latest report on the state of local media in our community here.
Guided by an advisory group of Latino civic and business leaders, the Latino Leadership Fund invests in programs and organizations that empower, amplify, and uplift future Latino leaders.
Support nonprofit capacity, innovation, and sustainability.
The Porges Nonprofit Excellence Initiative is a three-year program funded by the Porges Family Foundation. The program, the first of its kind in the community, will include several offerings for our local nonprofit organizations, including a sabbatical fund for executive directors, mid-level manager training program, succession planning support, and finance and HR supports.
Stanislaus Community Foundation provided over $6.8 million in grant support to local nonprofit organizations in 2023.