Fund Profile: Alpha Epsilon DKG Educators Scholarship


About Mary Beth Edwards

Through a generous donation from Mary Beth Edwards we are able to offer the Alpha Epsilon DKG Educators Scholarship.

Mary Beth was nominated to membership to Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma in 1966. She was awarded her 50-Year Pin at a special ceremony in 2016. As in everything, Mary Beth rose to the top in Alpha Epsilon. It seemed that she held every office in Alpha Epsilon at some point in time.

Mary Beth began teaching at a tender age of 19 because of a shortage of teachers. Mary Beth began her teacher training at Modesto Junior College and after one year in training, she initiated her teaching career in 1945 at the Bonita School in Crows Landing, California. She eventually transferred to Modesto City Schools, teaching at Franklin Elementary, El Vista Elementary, and Lincoln School completely almost 40 years in education. Even as she continued her fulltime teaching, Mary Beth attained her teacher’s credential from San Jose State University, and obtained two Masters degrees from the University of Arizona.

In addition to the aforementioned, Mary Beth was active in local teacher organizations assuming a variety of positions. These included President and Secretary of Modesto Teachers Association. However, she continued to attend numerous educational workshops in order to keep her abreast of the changing school environment and requirements. Also, she was recruited by her district to be an active teacher mentor, K3, to new teachers and shared her knowledge and skill with all seeking to improve their effectiveness. She was nominated by school administration as Inspirational leader for the school.

Her most beloved teaching positions were as kindergarten teacher and Sunday School teacher. She was active in the Children’s Ministry through her church for over 60 years and sang in the choir, and played piano and organ there for 67 years. Through her roles as teacher, musician, and Master Teacher, Ms. Edwards showed kindness and respect for all she encountered as she instilled a love for learning. Mary Beth was a tireless volunteer in various community organizations, in Bethel church, as President and Secretary of Modesto Teachers Association, and as Secretary and all-around vital volunteer at the California Retired Teachers Association. In recognition of her extensive community service, Mary Beth was named one of the Outstanding Women in Stanislaus County in 2000. Mary Beth embodied the ideals to which Delta Kappa Gamma members aspire.

Fund Purpose

The Maralyn J. Stewart Memorial Scholarship is available to college students pursing a career in Education.


  • Current college student enrolled in a teaching credential program; current student teachers; current teacher interns; students enrolled in a speech therapy program; or students enrolled in a school psychology program

  • Must be in good academic standing with GPA of 3.0 or higher

  • Full-time enrollment

(Colleges considered: CSU Stanislaus, CSU Sacramento, CSU East Bay, UC Merced, U.O.P., UMass Global, Teachers College of San Joaquin)

Award Amount



Stanislaus Community Foundation staff will select up to two recipients annually based on the scholarship criteria.