Fund Profile: Dr. Grant E. & Colleen S. Bare Scholarship


About Dr. Grant E. and Colleen S. Bare

The Bare family have long been proponents of education, both for their own family members as well as others in the community.

Dr. Grant E. Bare's medical career spanned more than 50 years. Dr. Care graduated from Modesto High School, the University of California in Berkeley and the University of California Medical School in San Francisco. Elected to the first (founding) Board of Trustees of the Yosemite Community College District in 1965, Dr. Bare served on that Board for 35 years. He championed the ideals that college-oriented JC students should receive the same high quality education as those attending the first two years at the state colleges.

Collen S. Bare is a former education administrator and longtime historian who is well-known for her longstanding column on Modesto's rich history published in the Modesto Bee. Mrs. Bare received her Bachelor's Degree from Stanford University and her Masters from UC Berkeley, before moving back to Modesto to marry Dr. Bare and being their family. When the McHenry Mansion was gifted to the city of Modesto, Mrs. Bare was the Chair of the City's Culture Commission. She took on the momentous task of restoring the grand historical home to its former glory - a labor of love that took seven years and countless hours to complete.

The Dr. Grant E. Bare and Colleen S. Bare Scholarship Fund id a gift to the entire community, much like the couple's work over the years in healthcare and historical preservation.

Fund Purpose

The Dr. Grant E. and Colleen S. Bare Scholarship is available to US citizens who reside in Stanislaus County.


  • Graduate of a Stanislaus County High School

  • Currently enrolled at MJC with plans to attend a four-year university in the coming school year

  • Pursuing an education in the field of Health Sciences and/or Mathematics

Award Amount

$3,000 per student (up to 3 students per year)


Stanislaus Community Foundation staff will select up to 3 students annually based on the scholarship criteria.